Radon is an odorless and radioactive gas that is also colorless, making it difficult to find. It is produced from decaying uranium in the soil. Most soils have low Radon levels present, but the problem occurs as it becomes trapped and begins to enter your home. Radon exposure kills over 20,000 Americans a year.

What Can I Do to Protect Myself from Radon Poisoning?

As stated above, Radon cannot be seen. Radon testing is completed either with short-term, long-term- or continuous testing. Radon testing is not evasive, and you can go about your life. We will return and check the readings to see if your home has high levels of Radon present. If your property does have higher levels of Radon, it will need to be lowered. This can be done in different ways, but one of the main ways is with a Radon mitigation system. This system helps to ventilate and filter out Radon from your home.

What Are the Symptoms of Radon Poisoning?

While there is no test to screen for Radon poisoning, it is known to cause lung cancer. If you have any of the symptoms below and your home has been known to have high levels of Radon, see your doctor immediately for radon exposure:
• A Persistent Cough
• Shortness of Breath
• Hoarseness
• Wheezing
• Frequent Bronchitis and Pneumonia
• Chest Pain

Radon is extremely dangerous, as it is a radioactive gas. If you have been exposed to high levels of Radon, you should let your primary care physician know, as they can keep a better watch on your health over time.
If your home has never been tested for Radon, now is a perfect time. A simple Radon test can ensure your family is safe from hazardous Radon exposure.